Achieve Your Greatness

Updated: 09/19/2022 – Are you a woman who’s wandering through life, doing things you’re supposed to do, dreaming seemingly unrealistic dreams, and feeling like you’re never going to achieve your greatness?

achieve your greatness woman

The problem is that so many women accept where they are in life, no matter how miserable they might be or how lackluster life is.  They will never make any movement to go any further.  

Are you one of them? 

Think about it for a  bit.

I can almost hear you stuttering your “yeah buts”, “I can’t”, “If only”, and “They won’t let me”.

Limiting Beliefs

Here’s the real reason that this is happening…. your limiting beliefs.  

You may never achieve your greatness if you don’t believe that you can!

There are numerous reasons why you might believe this is true. 

  • Has someone told you that you can’t?
  • Do you think that you’re not smart enough?
  • Or you tried but it was just too hard!
  • Here’s the mother of all excuses…I just don’t have the time. 

And I’m not only talking to you 40-year-olds who feel life may be passing you by.  Or those of you who are 25 and don’t realize that time is running away.  I’m also including the 60+-year-old women too who think that life’s in the rear-view mirror.

Millennials – Achieve your Greatness!

Right now, those of you in the 30ish age range feel that you can accomplish anything.  You believe that you have greatness ahead of you.  The best is yet to come!  

So why did George Bernard Shaw say, “Youth is wasted on the young”?

Because you’re planning and dreaming but not enjoying every moment of being full of vitality.  You take it for granted that your life purpose is further on down the track.

Do you believe that people won’t take you seriously because of your youth? That even though you’ve completed your education you don’t have enough life experiences under your belt to succeed?

Stop! Don’t believe it! There are so many things that you can accomplish right now, at this moment, this day, this week!

J.K. Rowling, at age 25, came up with her famous Harry Potter character during a four-hour-long train ride.  Granted, it took her five years to finish the book.  But the point is, that she had an idea and continued to develop it, even though she encountered stumbling blocks along the way.

And the rest is history!

Generation X’ers – You Can Achieve your Greatness too!

Gen Xers, you are on the hamster wheel. 

Raising your family, struggling to get ahead in your career, trying to please others (significant other, boss, peers). And all the while, you’re envisioning life on a beach during retirement – but will you be able to afford it?

At the end of any given day, you’re exhausted.  The only thing you’re looking forward to is a good night’s sleep, too tired to dream.

Is your belief that there will always be tomorrow?

  • I can climb the corporate ladder – tomorrow.
  • I can run for local office when the kids get to high school.
  • My dream job has to wait until I am comfortable with my savings account – then I can make the switch.

But all is not lost. 

Others have proven that dreams can come true during mid-life years. You don’t have to have all of your ducks in a row!

Vera Wang started out life with the goal of becoming a US Olympic figure skater.  Obviously, that didn’t happen. She did though end up in the US Figure Skating Hall of Fame for her skating costume designs!

And at age 40, she embarked on designing bridal wear and is now world-renowned.

Boomers – It’s not too late to Achieve Your Greatness!

And to the Boomers, you’ve settled into everyday life, wondering how you ever got to be this age.  Looking at the world as it is today and sometimes, feeling left behind. Particularly due to technology racing ahead by leaps and bounds.

Do you believe that you’ve lived your life; now is the time to take a back seat because people seem to overlook you. Do they expect you to putz around in the garden or go play card games on a Tuesday afternoon at the Senior Center…because that’s what “golden oldies” do?

You are told that this is your time to do anything you want! But instead, you’re caring for grandchildren and aging parents, having financial concerns, and health issues that slow you down.

All of this doesn’t mean that you can’t have an impact on the world.

Peggy Rowe, the mother of Mike Rowe of the TV show, Dirty Jobs, became a best-selling author at age 80! She’s had a number of best-sellers, including her latest, “Vacuuming in the Nude“. You can find out more about Peggy on her Facebook blog here.

And Peggy is living her best life, with her husband, at a Senior Living Community!

Letting you in on a Little Secret

I’m going to tell you something that you might not know. 

You are never too young or too old to achieve greatness! Greatness happens at every stage of life.

And everyone’s greatness looks different. It doesn’t have to make you famous and doesn’t have to be set aside while other things consume your life. 

And it’s just never too late!

How I am Achieving my own Greatness

Throughout my life, I’ve been laser-focused.  I got married at twenty, had my first child at age 21, and found my dream job at 29.  Two more children later, divorced, and remarried with an additional four children entering my life – all happened by the age of 40.  And at age 60, my thirty-year career ended.

My friends and acquaintances all felt I deserved a happy retirement, a time to enjoy my family and sail off happily into the sunset.  But I felt so unsettled.  

Although I accepted a part-time Executive Director position for a small local non-profit, an organization that I love to work with because it’s helping so many people, I still felt there was more to do.

That’s why, at 60+ years young, I am using my talents, education, and knowledge gained through working with people my whole life, to become a life coach.  My destiny is not to sit idly by and watch the rest of my life play out. 

I’ve earned my Master Life Coaching certification and learned enough technology to build and expand my own website. 

Overcome Your Limiting Beliefs

I have overcome huge obstacles to achieve my own greatness, which is helping others. 

There are so many women who accept that their dreams will always remain just that – dreams. 

They unconsciously, or consciously in some cases, decide that the obstacles are too large to overcome.  They believe in their limiting beliefs so they just give up.

Don’t allow those beliefs to convince you that you are not worthy, that you are being selfish, or that you’re never going to be able to accomplish your own greatness!  

Achieve Your Greatness

Make the decision right now to discover your true potential and achieve your greatness.

Just remember…

  1. You are never too young.  Your time is now.
  2. You are never too old. Your time is now.
  3. Don’t get overwhelmed. You can do this in steps. 
  4. Be Patient. It doesn’t happen overnight.
  5. It’s going to take effort on your part.
  6. Don’t procrastinate; commit to the process.
  7. Vow that others’ criticism is not going to affect you.
  8. Be Fearless; be tireless.
  9. If you get sidetracked, recognize it, and get back on task.
  10. It’s up to you to make it happen. No one can do it for you.

If you are lost in how to do this, find a coach who can help to uncover your life’s purpose.  

Your greatness may not be to become the first woman to walk on Mars or the next Academy Award winner.   Maybe it is to start your own business.  Or it could be to help other people, just like me.

 You don’t know what you can achieve unless you try. 

And even if you’ve tried and failed, learn from that failure and start again. 

Keep on trying.  Because the only thing keeping you from achieving your greatness is you…and your limiting beliefs.

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achieve greatness reminder poster
Achieve Your Greatness poster

Download your Achieve Your Greatness poster here. After you print it out, hang it in your workspace as a reminder to strive to Achieve Your Greatness!

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