8 Tips to Be Happy

Updated: 09/15/2022 – Over the past forty years, women’s happiness has been declining. This is according to a 2009 study. Some argue that this is a continuing trend.  So, is there anything we can do to reverse this? Yes! And I have 8 tips to be happy!

tips to be happy woman

Happiness Study

One study, in particular, The Paradox of Declining Women’s Happiness found that happiness levels in women began to erode in the 1970s – from the first study performed in 1972 through subsequent surveys. 

But how could this result be accurate?  We can have almost anything we desire!

Achieving Happiness

Yes, we are superbeings – we can have it all and do it all!

This reminds me of a 1979 commercial for a perfume named Enjoli. The beautiful woman sings “I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never let you forget you’re a man…” While a bit outdated, that commercial still rings true in many women’s minds.

In today’s world, if we work hard, split ourselves into as many mini-mes to cover all activities, and be there for each loved one, we will have achieved true happiness!  But at what price?

Women already know that happiness is at times elusive. 

Having it all is hard work.  When we’re at work, we feel guilty for not attending our child’s kindergarten play.  Or when we’re chaperoning our child’s field trip, our mind continues to flashback to the piles of paperwork lying in our inbox at work!

Keep reading for 8 tips to be happy.

Our Daughters’ Happiness at Risk!

To make matters worse, our daughters are picking up the message that they must be able to do it all simultaneously – be attractive, nurturing, and successful leaders in everything they attempt. 

Along with the stress that they are heaping upon themselves comes unhappiness. There is a fear that they will be viewed as unsuccessful if they can’t pull it all off.

So not only do you need to assess your happiness, but our daughters can also use these 8 tips to be happy!

Studies Show We Need Tips to be Happy

Can you rely on your partner in life to pick up the slack when you get overloaded?

As much as we say that men share in the responsibility of raising a family and housework, there is still a disparity in the level of participation.

In 2011, the Office Pulse survey found that men are happier than women.  Specifically, it states that men are 25% happier at work than women, 8% happier at home, and 75% of men said that they can balance work with home life.

This survey also listed the following eye-opening statistics:

  • 62% of women do the laundry compared to 31% of men;
  • 56% of women do the cooking compared to 29% of men;
  • 53% of women do the cleaning compared to 25% of men; and
  • 61% of women do the grocery shopping compared to 33% of men.

In this same study, women reported higher instances of headaches, stress levels, muscle tension, weight gain, and depression in their work-personal life balance.

Loneliness Affects Our Ability to be Happy

More and more women, especially since COVID-19 and beyond, are working from home, further isolating themselves.  Time spent visiting with friends is limited and attendance at in-person events, such as attending church or a local book club, is falling.

Women, for the most part, rely on other women for socialization, support, and understanding.

Because we no longer take the time to be social, loneliness has become a problem. 

And obviously, with loneliness comes unhappiness.

So, keep reading for 8 tips to be happy.

8 Tips to be Happy

Here are some tips that you can use to bring happiness back into your life and be a happy woman:

1. First and foremost, socialize

We need that human connection to feel loved and be happy.  We miss that personal interaction and sharing time with our sisters and girlfriends.  So, the first opportunity you get, arrange to meet up for a walk in the park or picnic with a glass of wine in the backyard.  

2. Next, be open to others

Make eye contact when you are grocery shopping. 

Say hello. 

Answer others when they ask “how are you?” with a meaningful response.  If you ask someone how their day is going, stop and listen.  You don’t have to have a lengthy conversation but be courteous and pay attention to what they are telling you.  This will not only lift your spirits but theirs as well.  

3. This is an important one, share that smile of yours with others

It’s a proven fact that a smile releases feel-good chemicals in the brain that lifts your spirits.  And when you smile at others, most times you’ll get one back.  It’s true that a smile is contagious.

4. Get involved in community opportunities where you can help others. 

Volunteering is very gratifying and brings much happiness to those you are helping.  You also reap the benefits as doing for others brings happiness. 

Find a cause you’d like to support and limit your volunteer time to something manageable. Don’t overdo it as it could become a burden, which lessens the amount of happiness that you get from it.

5. Be grateful; count your blessings.  This is a huge pick-me-up on your quest to be a happy woman.

Write down things that you are grateful for.  This can include gratitude for blue skies, your dog, good health, and the ability to see the stars at night.  Make this a daily practice.  You can’t feel down when you see how blessed you are!

6. Change your negative mindset.  If you are someone who always thinks the worst, your whole outlook on life will be affected. 

Rather than being a naysayer, take a new approach and see what the possibilities are. 

When you find yourself reflecting on bad things that tend to happen to you, think about what you can do to change your perspective. 

7. This leads to the next idea.  Try new things

Be adventurous!  Take a painting class, join the local walking club, go on a girlfriend’s weekend. 

The camaraderie you find in groups such as these is really quite uplifting.

8. And finally, exercise

Take walks, experience yoga, or just turn up your favorite dance music and cut loose! 

Just move! 

We spend so much time on our butts and tapping on the computer that we forget how much our body is missing. 

So, get up, get your blood circulating, stretch those muscles, and shake your booty.  It’s all good. 

Use These 8 Tips to be Happy!

None of these 8 tips to be happy are new.  They aren’t strenuous, most don’t cost anything, and will take little time.

But it’s important to remember to do them.  Smile, move, and say thank you. 

Very simple – no excuses.

Just think, you can be happy by starting with a smile.  See how good it feels?

8 tips to be happy
“8 Tips to be Happy” Guide

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4 Responses

  1. Kathy says:

    A girls weekend would do it!!

    • Cathy says:

      It would be nice. Too bad that you can’t depend on places being open on a regular basis.

  2. Ann Marie Fried says:

    Exercise and being social as much as possible is huge! I know whenever I spend time with my friends and family I always feel better and it helps a lot!

    • Cathy says:

      I totally agree Ann Marie. It’s very easy to sit back and say I’ll run tomorrow or there’s always next week to catch up with family. But when you feel that way, think about how much better you feel when you follow through with plans. That alone can motivate you over the hump to happiness overload!

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